
Women in energy

– A pulse check on the key challenges of diversity, equity and inclusion in the Danish energy sector

31 January 2024

Implement Consulting Group and PWN (Professional Women’s Network) Copenhagen have together conducted a survey on the state of gender diversity, equity and inclusion in the Danish energy sector.

The survey was conducted among 140 professionals in the energy sector and provides unique insights into the challenges of DEI in the Danish energy sector.

Finding #1:
Most women find that their organisations are diverse and committed to diversity.

Overall, the survey reveals good news, as a significant majority of women express positive sentiments regarding workplace diversity and organisational commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. 

6 in 10 women believe that their workplace is diverse, and an even more encouraging 7 in 10 affirm their organisations’ commitment to diversity.

Finding #2:
Working in a diverse organisation appears to yield various benefits for women. 

Respondents who work in diverse organisations report a greater sense of belonging, perceive equal opportunities for career advancement and observe initiatives supporting diversity. More importantly, they find that their leadership teams are well equipped to manage a diverse workforce effectively.

Finding #3: Organisations that want to improve their diversity efforts should strengthen their leadership teams’ ability to manage diversity effectively.

A key takeaway from the survey is that organisations seeking to improve their diversity efforts need to focus on strengthening their leadership teams. 

Women from non-diverse organisations are less likely to believe in their organisation’s commitment to diversity, and they express scepticism about their leadership team’s ability to manage diversity. In addition, these women are twice as likely to perceive an unequal perception of ability between men and women in leadership roles.

It is noteworthy that the survey reveals a correlation between seniority and scepticism about leadership teams’ diversity management capabilities. The more senior respondents are, the less likely they are to say that their leadership teams can effectively manage a diverse workforce.

Finding #4:
Women call for solutions and actions that increase transparency in promotion decisions and improve the representation of female leaders.

The survey also sheds light on women’s calls for actionable solutions to address disparities. 

Many women highlight the prevalence of senior leaders who recruit and promote employees similar to themselves. In response, women advocate for increased transparency in promotion processes and clear career paths for advancement. They also emphasise the need for organisations to actively encourage more women to pursue leadership roles.

The survey highlights the positive aspects of diversity in the workplace, the benefits associated with it, the critical role of leadership in diversity management and the urgent need for transparent and inclusive promotion practices. It is a valuable resource for organisations aiming to cultivate a more diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace.

Get the full report

Get our survey with answers from 140 professionals in the energy sector providing unique insights into the challenges of DEI in the Danish energy sector.

Download the report

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